Akihabara: The mix of two faces - Electronic Anime town of Tokyo, Japan. Akihabara is familiar with a shortened name of "Akiba" by locals. Akihabara has become the world's most famous electronic town for the latest and widest selections at low prices.
The place to find phones, computers, cameras, DVDs, TVs...any and all appliances and devices are gathered here in Akihabara. Akihabara represents the best of Japan's high - tech culture. Many tourists come and experience this famous high tech town with some electronics shops offering duty free to the visitors who have a passport with a valid visa.
Another face of Akihabara is the Anime town. Akihabara is a paradise for Anime/Manga (comic, cartoon) fans. Akihabara gathers the best selections of Anime shopping around Japan: Anime DVDs, Anime Figures, Anime computer games, and Anime books. As Japanese Anime was recognized worldwide, Japanese Anime fans established their space in Akihabara. They even have their societal nickname - Otaku. Otaku means geeks or maniac in English. Otaku means people who are insanely focused on their hobby; for example, Game Otaku for people who dedicate their life to playing games, and Anime Otaku is for people who are extreme fans of Anime.
Akihabara gives you a taste of what Japan is famous for in the world-High technology and Anime. For those tourists who are interested in Electronic and Anime or simple Japanese culture, Akihabara is a great place to be!
Hi, visit me back :)
Japan is really nice place to visit \m/
nice.. japan tokyo city is beatiful.. thanks for sharing.
beautiful place for vacation and a good article ...
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Perlu ke Jepang untuk belajar iptek tapi tetap menjunjung jati diri bangsanya.
harus bawa duit sekoper nih kalo mau belanja di sini ahahaha pasti banyak barang2 keren
my next destination :)
I can see that the city of Tokyo is a very beautiful city. I love that city.
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Hi, Thanks for supporting me..i also supporting have a nice day
komen perdana gan
i love japan..
follow my blog http://kurniataat.blogspot.com/
Jepang, negara rawan bencana tapi menjadi negara maju karena kegigigan rakyatnya untuk hidup sejahtera dan bebas dari ketergantungan dengan dunia barat..
How about T2K experiment?
(Visit me back, please...)
daily visit ... peace and keep blooooging :P
Good Morning have a nice day
morning gan,... cek iaa :D
mo ke jepang :(
ntar aja deh..kalo honey moon ^^
kapan2 aj gan hehehehehehe site:karepqno.blogspot.com
Many beautiful places I have not had time to visit .... and the info is here, thanks .... Sob
nice post friend... i'll dream it..!
I'd love to go to Japan
nice post..
wew..pngen euy ke jepang..keluar pulau Jawa aja blum pernah nih..hehe(curhat dikit)keep posting ya..jgn lupa jga komen balik di blogku ya
japan is beatiful
Jadi Kepingin lagi Ke Jepang ^_^ Tahun 2012 Awal Japan I'am Coming :)
kota tokyo emang indah gan
Japan is my favorite country.Thanks for your great post.Really i like your blog.
wah bagus-bagus,,,jadi pengen tp gmn belinya ya,,,gak punya duit,,hahahaha
kapan ya aku bisa ke Jepang..
visit me back please
walkinggg... http://informatikaglobal.blogspot.com/p/free-download-mp3.html
hmmm... nice!
selain mekkah, jepang adalah negara yang saya ingin kunjungi berikutnya. indah banget. seharusnya indonesia bisa belajar banyak dari jepang. dengan bentuk negara yang berpulau-pulau sama seperti indonesia yang juga rawan bencana, rakyatnya bisa siap ngadepinnya.
Great with many visitor, cheer, good blog
hy , visit me back
nice post
visit back..
"real support for you..plz visit and give your real support back to me ;-)"
Helloooo, happy blogwalking
Silaturahmi pagi hari sahabat...
kunjungan gan .,.
bagi" motivasi .,.
sikap yang positif tidak akan berguna tanpa di sertai dengan tindakan yang positif.,.
di tunggu kunjungan balik.na gan.,.
Japan is such famous country in the whole world. People more like to visit this place because of here many famous and attractive tourist destination available with get more enjoyment and learn new things.
Blue tree park lins
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